
Welcome to My Website!

Explore the world of Structural Engineering and delve into various topics that spark my interest. Here, you can access valuable resources, insights, and updates about my professional journey and personal passions.

Educational Resources

During my tenure as a professor at Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (Estelí) and Universidad Centroamericana, UCA (Managua, Nicaragua), I developed several blogs to support my students and share knowledge:

Books and Publications

I am the author of several books, including "Working as an Engineer in the USA: The Ultimate Guide to Make Your Dream of Working as an Engineer in the US Come True," which provides valuable insights and guidance for foreign-educated engineers looking to establish their careers in the United States.

Personal Blog

I also maintain a personal blog where I write about literature, poetry, friendship, love, and trending topics:

Professional Background

Navigate through the other pages on this website to learn more about my professional background, experience, and view pictures of projects I have developed over the years.

**Holistic Medicine

Explore my holistic medicine initiative:

Get in Touch

If you are interested in my professional services or collaboration opportunities, please visit the "Contact" tab [Contacto].

Thank you for visiting! This website is continuously updated, so be sure to check back often for new content and updates.